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Friday, June 18, 2010

revolution (ilv)

hey hey , today aku rase nk cte pasal revo lol. ehem2 , as president *ceh2 bangge konon,hahah* aku kne laa explain what the funtion of revo com. ryte? HAHAHA , cm klaka jeh aku bebual cm ny. eeeuwww , geli mak ! hahaha. uke2. siyess ye sume..

mule2, revo ny di adaptasikan oleh ilv. ilv tu ape ye? ILV stand for Intenational Ladies Violet. special for onl ladiess laa. tapii d sbbkn ade guys yg nk join we all. so we discussss to make a change on this com. so we change ILV to REVO, dimanee tiade pemilihann jantinaa. hahah. tyme we still on ILV kn , ny laa antare pic2 hasill photoshoot kamii..

tyme ny 1st gath ilv. seronokk sbb 1st tyme photoshoot bsame mbe la ktekn. hahah

ny 2nd tyme gath. buad kt starhill. gileeee best wehh. hahah. lihatt ye disituu simanee akuu tpledok. hahah. mne tk tpledok. 1 pelamponggg naik secare BERJEMAAH. hahahaha.

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